A Life for a Life Read online

Page 4

  He kissed her neck, her shoulders, popped the buttons of her dress which she shrugged to the floor, nuzzled her breasts, greedily sucking the swollen nipples into his mouth… They were like puppets, their movements pre-ordained.

  Bed, and she groaned softly as he eased his way inside her, then again as she climaxed.

  They lay awhile in sweaty post-coital regret, then they did it again.

  Later, she propped herself up, looked down into his face.

  ‘That was beautiful, Fraser.’


  ‘But it didn’t happen.’


  She quickly dressed and left.

  And when they’d driven back the next morning, she’d chatted more freely than on the way up, but had never once made recognisance of what had happened.


  Three months later, John Somersby was thinking about beer and its beneficent effect on mankind. The best thing of all about it, he decided as he walked home, was its levelling effect. Not up or down, he thought, just levelling – he was a convivial man and had just spent a convivial couple of hours playing skittles in the Rising Sun.

  He sensed the lights of the car coming behind him at the same time as he heard its engine and stepped to the side of the narrow lane to let it pass. It slowed down and dipped its lights when the driver saw him, but then, to his astonishment, it accelerated and drove straight at him. He tried to jump out of the way, but it hit him a glancing blow on the legs. He was knocked into the steep bank and rebounded into the road.

  He felt no pain and was dimly aware that the car had stopped and was reversing. It somehow came as no surprise when, instead of stopping beside him, it quite deliberately ran him over.

  His wife, Barbara, phoned the pub at just before midnight, knowing they occasionally let customers stay late, but was told that John had left at just after eleven. She found a torch and set off to look for him. She had been a nurse and knew as soon as she saw him that he was dead; nevertheless, she felt for his pulse, then touched his cheek gently before getting slowly to her feet. It was only when she became aware that she was running that she realised it couldn’t help him. She didn’t stop, though.

  She was interviewed at home by a dark-haired and petite inspector called Lyn Harvey, while other police sealed off the area round the body and the surgeon pronounced him dead. Then the Scene of Crime team got to work, taking photographs and samples.

  The pathologist arrived and examined the body. He took his time, but all he would say was: ‘I’ll tell you more when I do the PM.’

  Thus, it wasn’t until the next day that the police realised they were dealing with murder.

  ‘He was hit here,’ the pathologist said, indicating, ‘and the blow broke his left leg, but didn’t kill him. He would have been thrown against the bank and fallen back into the road. Then, the car reversed back over him, then forward over him again, and it was this that killed him.’

  His pelvis and most of his ribs had been broken and his liver and spleen were ruptured.

  ‘So he would have survived the first injury?’ Lyn Harvey asked.

  ‘Almost certainly.’

  ‘Any chance that the rest could have been accidental?’

  The pathologist snorted. ‘That’s your department, but I’d think it was pretty unlikely, wouldn’t you?’

  The only thing he could add was that he thought the car had a low ground clearance, such as found in a sports car.

  The case was handed over to Superintendent Garrett of Criminal Investigations. The first thing he did was to interview Barbara Somersby again. Their house (hers now) was a pretty cottage a little way off the road and their married daughter had come to stay with her.

  ‘I’m very sorry to have to trouble you at this time,’ Garrett said. He was a big man in his forties with no spare flesh, a gingery moustache and widely spaced blue eyes.

  ‘It’s all right, I understand,’ she said.

  You don’t, Garrett thought, yet… Lyn Harvey was there with him.

  ‘I have more bad news for you, I’m afraid,’ he said.

  She stiffened and her brow creased as she wondered what more there could possibly be.

  ‘There’s a possibility, a strong possibility, that your husband was killed deliberately, murdered.’

  Her mouth opened, then contracted to a tiny O before she closed her eyes and silently began crying again. Her daughter put her arms around her shoulders, then looked up.

  ‘Are you sure, Superintendent?’

  ‘Not absolutely, no, but it is, as I said, a very strong possibility.’

  ‘But my father didn’t have any enemies… there was no one who would have wanted to…’ She tailed off.

  ‘That’s what I need to ask your mother about, anyone with a personal grudge… and of course anyone who stands to gain by his death. Anything, no matter how tenuous.’

  Barbara Somersby had regained control of herself and wiped her eyes. ‘The only person who stands to gain financially is myself, Superintendent,’ she said. Her fair hair was going grey and her blue eyes were faded, but the strong bone structure of her face gave it a dignity that Garrett would have sworn was genuine.

  ‘That wasn’t what I had in mind, madam.’ Necessarily… ‘Did anyone have a grudge against him where he worked?’

  She thought about this and he waited. At last:

  ‘You said, no matter how tenuous…?’

  He nodded. ‘I did.’

  ‘The only thing I can think of, and it is tenuous, is a dispute he had with his colleagues a few months ago.’

  She told him about Ian and Connie, Parc-Reed and Alkovin. ‘But I must emphasise, Superintendent, that it was a professional disagreement between colleagues and I’m sure that Dr Saunders and Dr Flint had accepted the situation.’

  ‘Your husband was their superior?’

  ‘Yes, in effect.’

  ‘And his decision was final?’


  Garrett discreetly nibbled his thumbnail a moment. ‘Are either of them likely to… take over from your husband?’

  ‘Ian Saunders might, although they could just as easily appoint someone from outside.’

  ‘Not Dr Flint?’

  ‘It’s possible, although less likely. She’s a woman, Superintendent.’

  ‘I didn’t think that was a barrier in medicine.’

  ‘Not perhaps quite as much as in your profession, no.’

  He couldn’t help glancing quickly at Lyn, whose expression remained studiously neutral.

  ‘So,’ he said, summing up, ‘Mr Leo Farleigh of Parc-Reed made the initial approach to Drs Saunders and Flint, they tried to persuade your husband to give the drug a trial, but he’d heard rumours that it had side-effects and refused?’

  ‘Yes. He was always very cautious where new drugs were concerned. He could remember Thalidomide, you see.’

  He asked her whether Somersby had been regular in the days he had gone to the pub.

  ‘He usually went on Friday, but not Monday as a rule.’

  ‘So why this Monday?’

  ‘He was asked to fill in for someone in a skittles match.’ She smiled, sadly. ‘He enjoyed simple pleasures, Superintendent.’

  ‘When was this, Mrs Somersby? When did he know he was going to play skittles on Monday?’

  She made a mouth. ‘Sunday evening, I think – yes, I’m sure it was.’

  ‘Did any of his colleagues know?’

  ‘I don’t think – wait… He did tell me that Ian Saunders had wanted to swap on-call with him…’


  ‘Good Lord!’ was Ian’s reaction when Garrett told him Somersby might have been murdered. ‘But he didn’t have any enemies…’

  They were in Garrett’s office at the police station. ‘You mean, none that you know of, sir,’ Garrett said.

  Ian shrugged and smiled. ‘I suppose that’s right.’

  When had he last seen him? Garrett asked. – When he left the lab on the aftern
oon of his death.

  Had he seemed worried about anything? – No.

  ‘Did you get on well with him, sir?’

  ‘Yes, very well.’

  ‘I believe there was a dispute concerning a drug trial a little while ago? Alkovin, produced by Parc-Reed Pharmaceuticals.’

  ‘Oh, that. Hardly a dispute, Superintendent. A minor professional disagreement.’

  ‘Tell me about it.’

  ‘There isn’t much to tell…’

  Garrett and Lyn Harvey listened while Ian explained how Leo Farleigh had approached him and Connie, then how they’d unsuccessfully tried to sell the idea to Somersby.

  ‘So the initial approach was made to you, Dr Saunders?’

  ‘To myself and Dr Flint, yes.’

  ‘Why was that, d’you think? I mean, why approach you and not the person in charge?’

  Saunders smiled again – he smiled rather a lot, Garrett noticed. ‘John was known for being rather… conservative when it came to drugs. Leo thought we’d have a better chance of persuading him between us.’

  ‘But it didn’t work out that way?’

  ‘No, it didn’t,’ Ian agreed.

  ‘Do you still regret that? The decision not to give Alkovin a trial?’

  ‘I do, as it happens. I think the drug has a lot of potential.’

  Garrett nodded gently. ‘What were you doing last night, Dr Saunders?’

  ‘Last night?’


  Ian looked him in the eye, said lightly, ‘Why ask me? Am I a suspect, Superintendent?’

  ‘For elimination purposes, sir. We’ll be asking all other parties the same questions.’

  Ian nodded slowly, said, ‘I was on call.’

  ‘So where would you have been, sir?’

  ‘At home, most of the time. But I was called in, once.’

  What time would that have been? Garrett asked. – About half past nine, Ian thought… ‘It was a Thrombocytopenia and the platelet count was so low that I thought I’d better come in.’

  He’d arrived at the lab at about ten to ten, looked at the film, checked that the appropriate blood products were being prepared and then gone to see the patient. ‘After that, I looked in at the lab again and then went home.’

  What time had he arrived home? – About half-past eleven.

  ‘Are there any witnesses to any of this, sir?’

  ‘Yes. Steve Lovell, the SO who called me in, will remember me in the lab, the sister on Malvern Ward ought to remember me coming to see the patient.’ He smiled again. ‘And my wife will remember me coming home.’

  ‘Did you know that Dr Somersby was playing skittles that night?’

  Ian blinked at the change of direction. ‘I did, as a matter of fact,’ he said slowly. ‘I asked him that day if he’d swap nights with me and he told me that was why he couldn’t.’

  ‘Why did you want to swap nights, sir?’

  ‘We’d been asked out to dinner at short notice by some friends.’ He gave him their name.

  Had he told anyone else about Dr Somersby playing skittles? – Well, his wife, of course, and their would-be hosts, but no one else that he could remember…

  Garrett checked over the details again, then let him go.

  Connie, when she arrived, expressed similar shock at the possibility of murder.

  ‘It was bad enough him being killed, but this…’ She looked up. ‘How’s Barbara – Mrs Somersby – taking it?’

  Pretty much as one would expect, Garrett told her, then asked her about the dispute over Alkovin. Unlike Ian, Connie bridled almost immediately.

  ‘You don’t seriously think that that has any bearing on his death, do you, Superintendent?’

  ‘That’s what I’m trying to ascertain, doctor.’

  She made an irritable gesture, then told him how Leo had approached them first because of Somersby’s old-fashioned attitude. Yes, she was sorry they weren’t doing the trial, but life goes on…

  ‘What were you doing last evening, Dr Flint?’

  ‘So I am under suspicion?’

  Garrett explained again that the questions were for elimination purposes and Connie told him that she’d been at home, nursing her son who had flu.

  ‘He’d come to stay with me for a few days. He began feeling unwell on Monday – which I’d taken off to spend with him – and was really quite ill on Monday night.’

  ‘So you didn’t go out on Monday evening?’

  Connie looked distinctly embarrassed. ‘As a matter of fact, I did, Superintendent. I discovered we’d used the last of the paracetamol in the house – I don’t use it much myself. Sebi was running a high temperature, so I drove to a garage shop to buy some.’

  ‘What time would this have been?’

  ‘Around ten, I think. I’m not sure exactly.’

  ‘Couldn’t you have asked a neighbour?’

  ‘I could have, but I didn’t want to.’

  ‘How long were you out?’

  ‘Twenty minutes, maybe longer.’ She gave him the name of the garage and a description of her car.

  No, she hadn’t known that Dr Somersby was playing skittles that night, and yes, her son was at home now.

  ‘I’d like to see him,’ Garrett said.

  Connie hesitated. ‘He’s a lot better than he was, but he’s still not well enough to come here.’

  ‘That’s all right,’ Garrett said equably. ‘We’ll go and see him.’

  She compressed her lips. ‘Very well, but please remember he’s not well.’

  Sebi Flint was up, but didn’t look or sound well.

  ‘I’ll show a bit more sympathy with people who’ve had flu in future,’ he said with sincerity. ‘I’ve never felt so ill in my life as last night.’ He was in his late teens, fair-haired, and would probably have been fresh-faced normally.

  Garrett smiled. ‘Ah, but I suspect a lot of those who say they’ve had flu have really only had heavy colds.’

  Sebi told him how he’d come down from Manchester University to spend a few days with his father before he went on holiday, and then come to stay with his mother.

  ‘D’you remember your mother going out last night?’

  He made a face. ‘Dimly. I was pretty much out of it. I remember her giving me some pills, though.’


  The next day, Garrett had Forensic go over their cars: Ian’s and his wife’s, Connie’s and Sebi’s, while he tried to locate Leo Farleigh.

  Mr Farleigh was away in London, his secretary told him, and had been for several days, but was due back later that day.

  Steve Lovell and the sister from Malvern Ward were questioned and confirmed the times that Ian had given, except that Steve hadn’t seen Ian when he said he’d come back to the lab. All the department’s staff, including Fraser and Terry Stroud, were interviewed, but none of them had anything useful to contribute. The man on duty at the all-night garage remembered Connie coming in to buy the paracetamol at about ten thirty.

  Garrett took an almost immediate dislike to Leo when he arrived at the station. Although he was well dressed, he was the type, Garrett thought, who’d have been a spiv in the forties, a ted in the fifties, a mod in the sixties and probably a pusher in the seventies and eighties. So what did that make him now? he wondered.

  Yes, he knew about Dr Somersby’s death and was sorry, although he was surprised to hear it might be deliberate… Yes, he’d spoken to Ian and Connie before Somersby about Alkovin because he’d known what Somersby was like, but he’d been surprised by the firmness with which he’d turned the offer of a trial down.

  ‘It’s a wonder drug, Superintendent, it saves lives. Children’s lives,’ he added virtuously.

  ‘Found anywhere else to try it yet?’ Garrett asked, unmoved.

  ‘Yes, a Trust in Birmingham, and I’m working on another in the Smoke.’

  ‘’Course, you’ll be able to have another go down here now, won’t you?’

  ‘I think that would be in rather poor tas
te, don’t you, Superintendent?’

  You’ll do it all the same, though… ‘Where were you on Monday night?’

  ‘In London. In my hotel from about seven onwards.’

  Any witnesses? – Yes, he’d eaten in the hotel restaurant and they’d have a record of that, and he was sure the waiter would remember him.

  Then what? – Then he’d gone up to his room, watched telly until about eleven, then gone to bed.

  ‘I thought you reps liked to live it up a bit?’

  ‘We do, usually. But I’d had a hell of a day and was due for another the next.’


  This also checked out. Leo was remembered at dinner, although no one had seen him between eight thirty that evening and eight the next morning.

  ‘If he left London at eight thirty,’ Lyn Harvey said, ‘he could have made it here by eleven.’

  Garrett made a face. ‘He’d have had to have pushed it.’

  ‘He could have done it, though. Killed Somersby and then driven back.’

  They had Forensic check Leo’s car. It was clear, as were all the other cars they’d examined.

  ‘Bui how do we know which car he was using?’ Lyn asked. ‘It could have been any of Parc-Reed’s fleet. It might have even been a hire car.’

  They checked all of Parc-Reed’s cars that Leo had access to. Nothing.

  They questioned the local car hire firms, but no one of Leo’s description, or for that matter, Connie’s or Ian’s, had hired one that week. They tried to do the same in the area of London where Leo had been staying, but as Lyn pointed out, Leo could have gone anywhere in London to hire a car.

  ‘In theory, any of them could have physically done it,’ Garrett said morosely after a few days, ‘just about – but only if they’d used their own car. A different car – well, apart from anything else, I don’t see how they’d have had the time…’

  ‘Unless they hired someone else to kill him,’ Lyn said.

  ‘In which case, wouldn’t they have made sure they had better alibis?’ Garrett asked. ‘And there’s something else – Saunders may have known about Somersby playing skittles that night, but the others couldn’t have.’

  ‘Saunders could have told Farleigh,’ Lyn observed. ‘Or maybe his wife told someone.’